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About Swingtime
While the value of golf has long been recognized as a valuable networking tool in business, the value of golf in the creation of business opportunities and as a supreme media and PR tool has not been practically exploited to its vast potential. To this end, a section of the magazine is devoted to business, where the involvement of great Mauritian business people in golf will be discussed as well as the role of golf in business. Golf in Mauritius is an untapped mine of talented, yet neglected golfers. At Swingtime Golf Magazine we are focused on drawing attention to these potentially great golfers by raising the awareness of the incredible golfing talent that exists within Mauritius. This gives rise to an opportunity to business to "Adopt-A-Golfer". Such a golfer will be attached to the participating company via a sponsorship to further develop the player over a period of time. The progress of the player will be chronicled in the magazine. There are a limited number of opportunities in order to best expose the sponsor and player on a regular basis. Golf is also increasingly becoming a sport that appeals to the entire family, due to the growth in the markets of female and youth golf, and we are therefore reaching out across the gender and age divide to inform, entertain and educate. While our aim is to produce an entertaining, informative and educational magazine, we believe that by adopting this all-inclusive wide-focused approach we can effectively promote the cause of golf development at all levels while appealing to a wide range of readers: Sport loving individuals, families, but with particular interest in golf. Sport loving individuals, families, but with particular interest in golf. Golf in business, fashions, rules, general news and lifestyle issues are of importance to these people. Because of social and economic background, scores would live or aspire to live on golf estates. Many would be interested in playing different golf courses either on vacation or on specific golfing trips. These people are typically trendsetters, opinion-makers and influencers on society and the work place.
Target audience
Middle to high income individuals including golf and other professionals, entrepreneurs, CEOs and company managers, as well as public service managers, who are the decision makers of companies. Such people will classically have an interest in golf as a game and as a networking tool.
Editorial mix
The editorial mix has been designed to pay credence to the magazine's mission statement taking into account its target market and its characteristics and will therefore feature topics such as business (in golf), golf development, youth, women, lifestyle, technical aspects of golf, golf venues, entertainment, golf equipment and accessories, golfing holidays, providing interesting and lively information and comment for the whole family.

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